Friday, June 19, 2015

#34 My broth has been cuckolded by cheese

I know. It has been awhile since I have made a ramen post. It's not that I've lightened-up on the ramen consumption; I've just been bogged down with the typical things that bog people down. Yesterday was a bit of a frantic day, with a lot of running around and lab meetings. I'm not too clear on how a simple protocol-related question can launch into a 3-hr discussion on primer design; but it happens. Anyways, by the time I got home, I was ready to plunge knee-deep into some comfort food. And, really, what is more comforting than Mac'n'Cheese? Mac'n'Cheese and bacon. I found this cheese-flavored ramen bowl at HEB earlier in the week, so I decided to give it a try. I sauteed some brussels sprouts and mushrooms in bacon before adding them to the cheesy ramen, which I topped with pepper flakes and some shredded pork. It was a meaty, cheesy, MSG-y delight.

-Cheddar Ramen Bowl
-Brussels Sprouts
-Cheddar Cheese

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