Sunday, December 29, 2013

#24 Cotswold and Humbolt Fog Cheese Taco

I finally jumped on the cheese bandwagon. It's about time! My recent dish with Brie had motivated me to full investigate the world of cheese. I decided upon Humboldt Fog and Cotswold because I vaguely recollect serving it when I worked as a waitress at The Flying Saucer. They were the most recognizable of the cheeses because of their distinct appearance. Humboldt Cheese had an iconic layer of edible vegetable ash in the center. It is a goat cheese that is mold-ripened, forming a hardened outer-shell and soft cheesy center. Cotswold cheese is derived from Gloucester Cheese, a Gloucestershire classic. The hardened cheese is blended with chives and onions, giving it an alluring herb flavor.
I added a small amount of sausage and a wedge of lime to compliment the moldy flavors. 

Friday, December 27, 2013

#23 Sausage and Walnut Brie Ramen

I ended up going home for the holidays which means that I am in Hollywood, FL. Contrary to my past experiences and doubts, I managed to have a great experience. My prejudices about South Florida have nothing to do with visiting my family, but have everything to do with the impenetrable sense of morbidity that hangs in the air. South Florida is a manifestation of death. It seems like businesses never take off and opportunities never began. Anyways, this trip was actually refreshing. Seeing my folks reminded me of how awesome it is to be loved for doing nothing more than eating, walking and pooping. 
Back to the ramen.... For my birthday I made my folks a crab and sausage pizza. There was so much sausage left over and I was motivated to create a high-end ramen dish. The sausage and walnuts were simmered in duck broth, and the brie was melted in. You can not see the ramen that well. but it is there. I promise.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

#22: Poor Man's Meal: Beans N Toast

According to an old friend of mine, Heinz beans and toast were the English equivalent to ramen; at least when he was attending university. He has been in the "successful" stage of his life of his life for at least a decade; where as, I have been bobbing about for a good year. Because, I've found myself decrepit more of than once; he satirically makes for me a plate of beans and toast. Fortunately, the humor is not lost on me AND Heinz beans are delicious. I decided to give this meager yet classic meal an update by adding ramen.
The bread was toasted with a toaster (much surprised) and fried on a pan for 1-2 minutes. I've found that gives wheat baguettes some extra crunch. I, also, added parsley to the ramen and topped the beans with Muenster cheese and a fried egg. Yummy