Sunday, December 29, 2013

#24 Cotswold and Humbolt Fog Cheese Taco

I finally jumped on the cheese bandwagon. It's about time! My recent dish with Brie had motivated me to full investigate the world of cheese. I decided upon Humboldt Fog and Cotswold because I vaguely recollect serving it when I worked as a waitress at The Flying Saucer. They were the most recognizable of the cheeses because of their distinct appearance. Humboldt Cheese had an iconic layer of edible vegetable ash in the center. It is a goat cheese that is mold-ripened, forming a hardened outer-shell and soft cheesy center. Cotswold cheese is derived from Gloucester Cheese, a Gloucestershire classic. The hardened cheese is blended with chives and onions, giving it an alluring herb flavor.
I added a small amount of sausage and a wedge of lime to compliment the moldy flavors. 

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